Wednesday 18 June 2014

Russia's Central Bank Issues Memorable Coins With New Ruble Emblem!

This Tuesday, the Central Bank of Russia issued two memorable coins in the denomination of one and three rubles with a new graphical emblem, which is Russian capital letter P with a horizontal line, representatives of the Central Bank of Russia say.

The Central Bank of Russia issued 1,500 silver coins at the face-value of three rubles that contain 31.1 grams of silver. A graphical emblem of the currency is engraved on the back side of the coin.
Moreover, 100 million coins at face-value of one ruble were issued. 

The coin has an engraved graphical emblem of the currency at its back side and an inscription "ruble" with a conventionalized vegetative ornament. These coins can be used to make payments, the Central Bank of Russia said.

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