Friday 4 July 2014

2014 Native Orchids Of Singapore Coins Launched!

SINGAPORE — The fourth set in a series of coins featuring orchids, the 2014 Native Orchids of Singapore Coins, was launched today (July 2).

The coins will be issued on July 23, and will be sold individually or as a set from the Singapore Mint, said the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).

Featuring two native orchids — Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi and Coelogyne rochussenii — a portion of the circumference of each coin is semi-rimless, a unique feature of the coins in the series. 

The obverse of the coin bears the Singapore Arms with the year 2014.

The Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi has yellow star-shaped flowers with specks of deep maroon on them, while the Coelogyne Rochussenii has pale yellowish-green flowers, with the side lobes of its white lip containing brown pigments. 

Both have been re-introduced successfully to parks and other nature areas.

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